Website promotion.

Search engine optimization, copywriting, settings and maintenance of Google Ads - contextual ads, display ads.

SEO - what to expect

SEO promotion and contextual ads

Having a site without promoting it will not increase potential customers or buyers. In order for your site to be in the top of search queries, motivate users to click to read your information, you need to do a set of SEO-works or set up contextual advertising (Google Ads).


In general, we can say that SEO is a long process of both internal and external site optimization, definition of thematic queries, customization of site content and more. The result of this process is a dynamic improvement in the position of your site in search engine rankings. Your site is gradually rising in the top search engines.

Contextual and display advertising (Google Ads) is a relatively quick way to display your site in search engine hotspots, or as display advertising on certain web resources. If you pay attention to the Google search engine, there are certain areas for displaying links marked ``advertising`` - this is contextual advertising.

Very brief:
SEO - a long process ``in the future and for a long time``;
Contextual advertising - a quick result ``here and now``

Consider what are the options for site promotion:


SEO promotion

Site analysis, study of the competitive niche, definition of thematic inquiries, preparation and optimization of the site, work with site content, monthly report and adjustment of SEO-strategy. The projected result can be expected in a period of 3-6 months. Of great importance is the theme of the site, its structure, level of competition, region of promotion.


Google Ads

When you complete your advertising campaign settings and replenish your advertising account balance, your link to the site along with your ad will appear in certain areas of the search engine, with certain user search queries. Depending on the settings when clicking on the link, the balance will decrease. Once your balance is zero, your ad will stop running.


SEO + Google Ads

Sometimes a project requires a parallel process of SEO and contextual advertising. Understanding that Google Ads provides a quick result to achieve a goal (traffic, calls or orders), and SEO will complement the relevance of the site in search engines in the future – will help choose an effective strategy in setting tasks and budgets for these two processes.

Interested or have questions?

Let's talk!


Call me at 10:00-16:00



Evgen Kuchma

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