Full range of works.

My experience in creating websites for more than 10 years. My goal in each project is to determine the most effective model for displaying your business on the Internet.

The main purpose of the site

What do you need a site for?

In our site of my clients the main purpose of creation is – increase of profit!

Yes, it may be a very common goal, but above all in the world of commerce, this is the top of the pyramid, from which there are already many tasks and activities.


The structure of my work may differ from the work of most web developers and studios. It usually starts with a brief or questionnaire, in which the customer provides answers to questions, creates a basic technical task, develops a design and more.

I will first learn about you, your business, how you started, what stage you are at, what goal you are pursuing in the future. Yes, the factor of trust between me and the customer is important here, but as the customer invests in me, so I try to delve as much as possible into his business.

This allows me to recommend a specific model and structure of the site that best meets the requirements for effective optimization of the entire client's business. Therefore, the questionnaire, which is filled out by the customer, may not contain the various opportunities that are endowed with a particular model of the site.

Each of my clients needs something unique, so let me create the site you need!



First, I go through an in-depth interview process to fully understand your needs in the structure as well as the aesthetics of the website. Studying the business model of the client and its features, allows you to adjust and choose a specific site development strategy.


Website development

After the interview I will have everything to start choosing the type and structure of the site. The development process is carried out in 2 stages – coordination of site design, structure, its sections and direct configuration of the site on the hosting.


Completion of the project

At the final stage of the project, I usually expect the client to provide the content needed to fill the site. After all the pages are filled, I make the final settings. At the same time, I am instructing on the further administration of the site.

Interested or have questions?

Let's talk!


Call me at 10:00-16:00



Evgen Kuchma

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    Portfolio of my projects